
Be More Productive with Dagger2

Read Time 2 minutes   According to single responsibility and separation of concern concept no component of your application should Create  the new objects of other classes it needs. Those objects(Dependencies) should be created and  provided by someone else. Dagger is (that someone else) a dependency injection framework for android and as of now, is the best amongst all.  If …

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MediaCodec: Decoding AAC android

Read Time 2 minutes Encoding/Decoding for various audio/video formats is now possible in android since JellyBean. Sample code below shows AAC decoding using MediaCodec API provided in android JellyBean and above. Sample InputFile Sample input file, songwav.mp4 is also created using MediaCodec and MediaMuxer. Songwav.mp4 file AAC encoded file with following parameters:   MediaFormat outputFormat = MediaFormat.createAudioFormat( “audio/mp4a-latm”, 44100, 2); …

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