March 2013

BiMap: A two-way Map in #android

Read Time < 1 minute A simple hashMap is used to keep key,value pairs. It is useful in situation where we need to lookup values by keys. e.g         HashMap simplemap=new HashMap();        simplemap.put(“name”, “sohail”);                simplemap.get(“name”); Above is the simple example of hashmap, where we put a key,value pair and then lookup using key. However, there …

BiMap: A two-way Map in #android Read More »

AntiSpyware Fraud on #Android’s Google Play

Read Time 2 minutes States have been making money for decades on the name of  “Security”. After the revolution of mobile phones many companies are doing the same in the world of  mobile applications. After Realizing the fact that many people, who owns smart phones, are conscious about their privacy, and majority of those do not really know about …

AntiSpyware Fraud on #Android’s Google Play Read More »